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I want to make you aware of an increasing threat to our dogs. I just finished reading several articles about dogs who have died as a result of this threat. The best way to combat a threat is to be aware of it in order to be able to avoid it. Please allow me to make you aware of this, for your sake and that of your dog(s) but also to encourage you to share this information from other dog owners you may know.

This threat has to do with stagnant or slow-moving waters in ponds, lakes, rivers, creeks and streams but also in our own homes, in flower pots, backyard ponds, swimming pools, birdbaths, etc. in our own yards, even low areas on property where water collects and stays a while and is stagnant. Please be careful and do not let your dogs play in or drink from these.

When you see any water that is a blueish-green or pea green color keep your dog clear of it. If water looks foamy, discolored, or has a slimy/slick surface, stay away. Despite the name, blue-green algae can vary in color and look red or brown. In recent years, reports of blue-green algae poisoning in dogs have increased across the United States. More recently, with more people taking their dogs to parks and beaches because COVID has restricted other activities, there has been an upsurge of reports of dogs having toxic reactions including death from ingesting blue-green algae due to possibly getting some of it in its mouth when they were swimming in it or drinking from the shoreline or licking its paws and fur after getting out of the water.

Symptoms of cyanotoxin poisoning can include diarrhea, vomiting, weakness/collapse/paralysis, confusion, seizure, and difficulty breathing/excessive panting. It’s always a medical emergency and requires immediate treatment. If you suspect your dog has been exposed to blue-green algae, rinse their fur or wipe down with towels right away and contact a veterinarian as soon as possible. Don’t wait for symptoms to occur. If medical intervention occurs early enough, especially with hepatotoxins exposure, positive outcomes are possible. Because no anecdote exists, treatment involves attempts to rid the body of toxins via activated charcoal, inducing vomiting, or stomach pumping. Supportive care follows this, which includes preventing shock, preventing and treating organ failure, administering medications and fluids, and closely monitoring the patient.

ALSO ...

I'm always interested in the "why" of things so below is a little science on the subject in case you might be interested as well ...

Blue-green algae aren’t true algae. They’re cyanobacteria that have the ability to photosynthesize, which is the process of making energy out of sunlight. Photosynthesis allows the bacteria produce a blue-green algae-like appearance, hence the name.

Cyanobacteria are dangerous and even deadly to animals and humans. The World Health Organization recently deemed cyanotoxins that occur in water a public health hazard. Blue-green algae can produce neurotoxins and/or hepatotoxins. The neurotoxins work rapidly, attacking the nervous system, and can be fatal within minutes of exposure. Hepatotoxins attack the liver and can take hours or days to cause death.

The best way to prevent cyanotoxin poisoning is to be aware of your surroundings and check out any water sources before allowing your dog near them. Never let dogs drink from streams, lakes, or ponds. Look for signage indicating the possibility of an algal bloom. If there is foam on the surface of the water or along the shore line, keep off. Similarly, any slimy/slick surface on the water can be an indication of blue green algae. Despite the name, blue-green algae can vary in color and look red or brown. Blooms can also occur under the surface, making them difficult to notice. Blue-green algae are dangerous, and because they’re increasing, we must be extra vigilant and wary. Keep a close eye on dogs around any body of water. If you suspect contact with blue-green algae, seek emergency veterinary care immediately.

Du X, Liu H, Yuan L, et al. The Diversity of Cyanobacterial Toxins on Structural Characterization, Distribution and Identification: A Systematic Review. Toxins (Basel). 2019;11(9):530. Published 2019 Sep 12. doi:10.3390/toxins11090530 Ruibal-Conti AL, Ruiz MA, Rodriguez MI, Lerda D, Romero MD. Assessment of specific antibodies as biological indicators of human chronic exposure to microcystins. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. 2019;175:236–242. doi:10.1016/j.ecoenv.2019.03.071 Sources and Solutions | US EPA. US EPA. Published 2020.


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